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Hello electronics hackers. was started in San Diego, California by embedded computing/electronics enthusiasts. We created this site to help you get the components you need to create your projects fast.  We specialize in the Arduino platform.  Take a look at our Arduino tutorials.
Rare Earth MagnetPotentiometer 10k

Digital Temperature Sensor DS18B20
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Digital Temperature Sensor DS18B20

Price per Unit (piece): $3.95
Quantity Price
0 - 9$3.95
10 - 999$3.15

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Is it hot in here?  This digital temperature sensor will tell you, with 9 to 12 bit resolution!

Uses only 1 wire to the Arduino or other microcontroller for communication.  With the OneWire protocol, you can operate a large number of these sensors from one Arduino pin. Simple to use and highly accurate.

Measures temperatures from -55°C to +125°C (-67°F to +257°F).

See our tutorial for instructions and example Arduino software code for this sensor.

Are you looking for a water-proof version of this sensor?  We don't have it, but adafruit does.




This product is currently not available.

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