Your microcontroller has things to tell you. Give it an LCD see what it has to say.
16 x 2 LCD Black on GreenBasic 16 x 2 LCD, 5 volt, based on the popular HD44780. Black characters on green background, with back light. 2 rows, 16 characters per row.
Check out our tutorial section for step-by-step instructions.
[Product Details...]
20 x 4 LCD Black on Green20 x 4 LCD, 5 volt, based on the popular HD44780. Black characters on green background, with back light. 4 rows, 20 characters per row.
Check out our tutorial section for step-by-step instructions.
[Product Details...]
16 x 2 LCD White on Blue16 x 2 LCD, 5 volt, based on the popular HD44780. White characters on super cool blue background, with back light. 2 rows, 16 characters per row.
Check out our tutorial section for step-by-step instructions.
[Product Details...]
20 x 4 LCD White on Blue20 x 4 LCD, 5 volt, based on the popular HD44780. White characters on blue background, with back light. 4 rows, 20 characters per row.
Check out our tutorial section for step-by-step instructions.
[Product Details...]
LCD HackPackThis pack includes an LCD module of your choice, and everything else you need to connect it to your Arduino.
See our Tutorial section for step by step instructions. Soldering is required, but the male header pins are included.
[Product Details...] $16.95 16 x 2 LCD Red on Black16 x 2 LCD, 5 volt, based on the popular HD44780. This LCD comes in evil red, with back light. 2 rows, 16 characters per row. The red coloring of this LCD makes it great for indoor, darker environments.
Check out our tutorial section for instructions.
[Product Details...] $12.95 LCD Shield for ArduinoLCD Keypad shield for Arduino. This Arduino shield includes a 16x2 HD44780 White on Blue LCD module and a 5 push button keypad for menu selection and user interface programming. Fully assembled.
This Shield uses Arudino LCD4Bit library.
[Product Details...] $18.00
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